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    Information on personal information collection and utilization

    Information on personal information collection and utilization
    'Jungil Heavy Industry Co'The collects the minimum amount of personal information required to provide accurate and sincere answers to your inquiry request.
    Therefore, we notify you of the collection and use of personal information as follows, so please read it carefully and agree to it.
    Purpose of Collection and Utilization :Jungil Heavy Industry Co Answers to 1:1
    Collected items: Name, phone number, email address
    Retention period: 1 year

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    웹에디터 시작 웹 에디터 끝
    File #1
    File #2
    Automatic Registration Prevention
    자동등록방지 숫자를 순서대로 입력하세요.

    (Please enter the number of auto-registration prevention in order.)